Title: The Flintstones (Los Picapiedras) Parody XXX
Language; Ingles
Subtitles; No
Audio: 128Kbps 48000Hz
Resolution: 640 x 352
Bibrate: 1514 kbps
Winrar: CD1 de 695MB & CD2 de 699MB
Pass: by.mygue
Poor Fred is having a midlife crisis. Your little girl is 18 grit and is preparing to leave
the house. He's getting older, maybe a little rounder, and he starts to question if it is
attractive enough for his hot wife, Wilma. What happens when it is just two of them? Wilma
could be seeing someone else? Is it Betty? Barney? Bam Bam? Mr. Slate? The result is one of
the funniest parodies ever. The whole gang is here so come join them all for sexy time, right!
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